Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Thomas has been doing studies attempting to instill play or activity into daily life. Rotate-create (or so it is currently named) is a 4 foot by 4 foot by 16” square that is made up of different block modules. The blocks all share a similar dimension, which allows them to be rotated and reconfigured into a great variety of configurations. “Rotate-create” was originally designed to be a furniture scale toy for children and adults to aid active imaginations.

“Rotate-create” began through a study of the “lego” module.

Above are some images of the painting process.

These are images of the first prototype. The prototype was made of wood (specifically ultra-light MDF). It is intended to be manufactured out of a high-density foam so that it can be easily manipulated by both children and adults and have more of a long-term lifespan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! I hope you have a patent on it or something of the kind. Great going Thomas.

Love the models too!